"As-sal�mu 'alaikum wa rahmatul l�hi wa barak�tuh!"
إن الحمد لله، نحمده و نستعينه و نستغفره، و نعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا و من سيئات أعمالنا، من يهده الله فلا مضل له و من يضلله فلا هادي له، و أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، و أشهد أن محمداً عبده و رسوله. يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته و لا تموتن إلا و أنتم مسلمون. يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة و خلق منها زوجها و بث منهما رجالا كثيراُ ونساءً، و اتقوا الله الذي تسائلون به و الأرحام، إن الله كان عليكم رقيباً. يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله و قولوا قولاً سديداً، يصلح لكم أعمالكم و يغفر لكم ذنوبكم، و من يطع الله و رسوله فقد فاز فوزاً عظيماً.
All Praise is due to All�h, We praise Him and we seek help from Him. We ask forgiveness from Him. We repent to Him; and we seek refuge in Him from our own evils and our own bad deeds. Anyone who is guided by All�h, he is indeed guided; and anyone who has been left astray, will find no one to guide him. I bear witness that there is no god but All�h, the Only One without any partner; and I bear witness that Muhammad, sws, is His servant, and His messenger.
أما بعد،
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem! Ya Ay-yuhal-latheena `aamanut taqul-laaha, haqqa tuqaatihee wala tamu tun-na, il-la wa antum Muslimoon."
O You who believe, - Fear Allah, as He should be feared, and die not except as Muslims.
Ya Ay-yuhal-latheena `aamanut taqul-laaha, wa qooloo qawlan sadeedaa. Yuslih-lakum a'maalakum wa yaghfir lakum thunoobakum, wamay yu-til-laaha warasoolah, faqad faaza fawzan atheemaa."
O You who believe, - Be aware of Allah, and speak a straightforward word. He will forgive your sins and repair your deeds. And whoever takes Allah and His prophet as a guide, has already achieved a mighty victory�
In one of our classical books of history and narrations, it is mentioned that once, Abdullah ibn Umar was doing tawaaf around the ka'bah as an elderly person, many years after the death of the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam. And he saw a man doing tawaaf around the Ka'bah who had a very old lady on his back. He was doing tawaaf carrying this lady on his back. And when the man saw ibn Umar, he rushed up to him, recognizing who he is, and he said, "Oh ibn Umar," oh son of Umar ibn al-Khattaab, "Oh ibn Umar, this lady on my back is my mother." This lady is my mother. "And she had a desire to go do Hajj. And I live in such and such a province," and he mentioned a far province in the Muslim lands, "And I could not afford a mount." I could not afford an animal, I could not afford do bring her in any other means except by carrying her on my back, walking from such and such a village. "Oh ibn Umar, have I done my duty as a son?" Is the scale now equivalent? Have all of the good deeds that the mother did, have I now recompensed her the way that she deserves?
Ibn Umar responded: "You have done nothing in return." You're proud and boastful about this? You have done nothing, your deeds are not worth anything in the scale! You're comparing a scale of what your mother has done to what you have done back to her?! He says, "You have done nothing in return. But you have done good, and Allah will reward you."
The man said, "Oh ibn Umar, I have traveled from such and such a province," what do you mean I've done nothing? "I have traveled from the furthest lands, carrying my mother on my back - and you say I have done nothing?" Ibn Umar said - and listen to this psychologist, listen to the profundity of the response that he gave to this man, listen to it and understand it and apply it in your daily lives - he said: "You have done nothing because: when she sacrificed everything for you; when she did everything that she did for you - she gave up her time, her pleasures, her health - she gave up everything she had to raise you as you are - she did it out of a pure love and joy - wanting to see you flourish, waiting so you grow up and you live a full healthy life - she did it for your life - and now that you do it in return, you are waiting for her death - doing it as a pity - doing as an equivalent, doing it in return for the favors - you're not doing it to see her flourish and live. You're doing it as a sense of guilt, trying to pay back what she's done, and waiting for her death, so she is literally off your back."
The psychology of what she did versus what you are doing are completely separate! How can you compare the two? And how true, how profound is the statement of ibn Umar! When the child is raised by the parents, when the mother and father give everything that they have: their money, and their health, their wealth, their beings, everything. When they give to this child, what is the motivation of the parent? The parent wants to see this child flourish and live! They will literally give their lives for this child to live.
But when the child becomes old, and the child is entrusted to take care of his or her parents, the same emotions are not felt. The same patience is not there, the same love and tenderness, completely absent. And [for] this one reason, ibn Umar said: you cannot compare the two.
Oh Muslims, many are the khutbahs that we have heard about the rights and status of parents in Islam. Many are the ayaat and ahaadith that outline this very very important relationship. How often have we heard them? But have we truly acted upon them? Have we truly understood the role of parents and the status that Allah SWT has given them? And it is not just in our religion, it is not just with the coming of the Prophet Muhammad salla Allahu alayhi wasallam, no! Allah says in the Qur'an:
وَإِذ�' أَخَذ�'نَا مِيثَاقَ بَنِي إِس�'رَائِيلَ
When Allah took a meethaaq from the children of Israeel - from the most ancient civilizations -
لاَ تَع�'بُدُونَ إِلا�`َ الل�`هَ وَبِال�'وَالِدَي�'نِ إِح�'سَاناً
- "Worship none but Allah, and show ihsaan to your parents�" (2:83) -
From the earliest civilizations, Allah SWT took a meethaaq - do you know what a meethaaq is? It's a covenant of the highest order! It's a treaty that should never be broken and contravened. It is a treaty between Allah and man. That is what meethaaq is. And what are the conditions of this meethaaq? Allah mentions many in the Qur'an - but the first two in every single series of verses that talks about it, the first: worship Allah; the second: be good to your parents.
وَقَضَى رَب�`ُكَ أَلا�`َ تَع�'بُدُوا�' إِلا�`َ إِي�`َاهُ وَبِال�'وَالِدَي�'نِ إِح�'سَانًا
- "Your Lord has decreed" - such is the decree of Allah, such is the commandment of Allah, pay attention and heed - "Your Lord has decreed: that no one shall be worshipped except for Allah, and that you be good to your parents." - (17:23)
This is the decree of Allah - the eternal decree of Allah: be good to your parents.
What does it mean to be good to one's parents? Allah mentions the word ihsaan. Ihsaan is the highest level of good. There is no level, there is no word in the Arabic language that gives the meaning of ihsaan. And the famous linguist of the Arabic language by the name of al-Raaghib al-Asfahaani, very famous `aalim of the Arabic language, he said that ihsaan is a state. It is not an action - it is not a deed, it is a state of mind, it is a frame of relationship, in which you give the most that you can, and you expect the least in return. You give your utmost being, this is what ihsaan is. You do everything you possibly, physically, spiritually, emotionally, can. What do you want back from the party? The least amount: nothing. You do it out of ihsaan. That is what ihsaan is.
Your rewards are not with your parents, your parents are not going to give you anything back - no. You do what you do, you give them the most - and you expect the least back. And had there been a word higher than ihsaan, Allah would have used it.
Notice in these series of verses - verses that you have all heard, all read, numerous times: "Your Lord has decreed that you shall worship none but Him and that you have ihsaan to your parents" (17:23 ). "If either of them or both of them," Allah says, "If either of them or both of them reach old age," and you are in charge of them - it is a blessing that they are old and you are alive, it is a blessing - many have been deprived of this blessing - if either or both of them have reached this age where you're in charge of them - what does Allah say? You all know:
فَلاَ تَقُل ل�`َهُمَآ أُف�`ٍ
- "Don't say uf�" (17:23) -
What is the meaning of "uf"? Uf � a two letter word; the smallest word in the Arabic language that has a meaning: uf. Uf means: you are irritated. It's the equivalent of "tsking" in English, or saying "ouch" when you're hurt. The smallest indication, the slightest indication, that you are irritated is said by uf. The scholars of tafseer say: had there been a word that was less trivial, Allah would have used it here.
So the first verse uses ihsaan, the second versus uses "uf." Ihsaan, the peak; uf, the lowest, but of what? Of what?
Brothers and sisters, think about this: Allah SWT said: "Don't say uf to them" - meaning, don't show and express your frustration and anger.
If Allah SWT had said to us, don't become irritated, don't be angry, don't be frustrated, Allah SWT would have commanded us with something we could not bear. It is human nature to get frustrated, especially at elderly parents. It is human nature to get angry, it is human nature to get irritated. Allah knows this. So Allah did not oblige us that we don't get angry, we don't get frustrated, we don't get irritated - no. He obliged us with something that is well within our capabilities. Don't say, don't express, don't show, don't outwardly give the impression that you're irritated. Feel what you like in your heart, control it, be a man - control it:
فَلاَ تَقُل ل�`َهُمَآ أُف�`ٍ وَلاَ تَن�'هَر�'هُمَا
- "�and don't speak to them in a harsh manner�" (17:23) -
Notice, Allah SWT has created us, He knows how difficult it is, not just to take care of children, especially to take care of parents. He knows how difficult it is. So Alah SWT put upon us a condition and a rule that is well within our limits: feel what you like; don't express it, don't make it outward, don't show it to them.
وَلاَ تَن�'هَر�'هُمَا وَقُل ل�`َهُمَا قَو�'لاً كَرِيمًا
- "�say to them beautiful, generous speech�" (17:23) -
Say to them sweet things. Kareem: be generous in your speech to them. "And if they ask you," Allah goes on in Surat al-Israa, "If they ask you for more that you can give" - if they ask you for things you don't have, Allah SWT says,
فَقُل ل�`َهُم�' قَو�'لاً م�`َي�'سُورًا
- "�give them optimistic phrases�" (17:28)
"In sha' Allah, I'll try," "in sha' Allah, we'll do that," give them hope, give them encouragement. Allah SWT is saying, even if they want more that you can give - don't get irritated, don't get angry - give them good speech, give them optimism, fill them and their hearts with joy, just like they had done for you when you were a child.
وَقُل ر�`َب�`ِ ار�'حَم�'هُمَا كَمَا رَب�`َيَانِي صَغِيرًا
- and make du'aa for them, "Oh Allah, have mercy on them as they raised me�"(17:24) -
� Because they have raised me, due to the fact that they raised me, just as they raised me, all of these meanings are encompassed in "كما". Aren't the words/speech of Allah beautiful? Indeed it is Beautiful speech, we cannot go into too much detail, beautiful speech of Allah. Allah SWT is giving so many profound meanings: because they have raised me, just as they have raised me, due to the fact that they have raised me, oh Allah have mercy on them, because of what they have done for me.
Dear Brother and Sisters, much can be said about the verses in the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam about the treatment we should give to parents. But permit me to mention an aspect that perhaps some of us have not appreciated. It is the psychological aspect, it is an aspect that I only came to realize when I became a parent, and so I primarily talk to those who are not yet parents, or have just become parents: you will not understand the love that a parent has for a child until you yourself have you own child.
You will NEVER understand what it means to love somebody until you become a parent. You will never understand it. You never ever have a relationship, have a feeling for any human being, like you do for your son or daughter.
No matter who that person is - many of you who are still young, you have this idealistic concept of loving the opposite gender and getting married to them - ask anybody who's gone beyond that stage. Ask anybody who knows that truth - that type of love is a selfish love. Why is it a selfish love? Because you want something back in return. It is a love of give and take - it is a love of fights along with good, there's good and there's bad. Your most painful moments and your sweetest moment will be with your partner. This is a part of life.
But the love of a parent? The love of a mother? The love of a father? This is unselfish love, unrestricted.
You want to give up everything you have to bring a smile on that child's face. You go to work, and you are motivated to work hard so that at the end of the day you will be able to bring home some food to your children, to share your income with them - you will give up your life's savings for their education. THAT is what you call love!
No human being feels that type of love for another, except a parent for the child. And when you think about it, and when you experience parenthood, you understand the POWER of Allah's creation, for verily, I swear by Allah, if the parents did not have this love for this child, no child could live on the face of this earth.
A child is given to you. A child will be handed over to you, and you will be told, this is your baby, this is your child, you are responsible for it, you have to take care of it. This child will take up most of your time, most of your energy, most of your wealth, your living will become dependant upon this child, your entire life will change because of this child. The amount of sacrifice you must make cannot be measured in words, cannot be measured in figures, cannot be quantified. Those who have children and are growing up with them, they know what I'm talking about - and yet you have not experienced everything, because your children are still growing up with you.
Your parents have done that for you, and you don't even realize it, because when you become an adult, you "know it all," you become one of those who thinks they know better than their parents, you become one of those who wants to leave the nest and become independent. And you don't realize that a mother's love, a father's love - once you leave that nest, it will never be the same. I still remember at some point in my father's life, when my grandpa was no more, he used to say "he wished his father and mother were still alive" and I never understood him; but when he passed away I understood fully his feelings then. Once that parent goes away, it is a Great Opportunity Lost, and you will never have that opportunity again.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, this is the beauty of the periodic cycle of life - that Allah SWT blesses all of us with parents. And then He blesses some of us with children, and those children grow up, and some of us are still alive. Some of us have our parents alive when we grow up.That's why Allah says in the Qur'an:
"If one or both of them are alive, take care of them" [17:23], because some of people don't have that luxury.
One of the famous companions mother passed away, and he was crying� greatly. So some of the other sahabah tried to console him, and they said: it's alright, she is in jannah (heaven) in sha' Allah, she's forgiven. They tried to console him. And he said, "Do you think I'm crying because she died? Of course I'm sad because she died, but that's not why I'm crying."
Notice how the sahabah view things and how we view them. He said: "I am crying because my door to jannah (heaven) has been shut! � an opportunity lost
And I don't know if I got in or not." She was my door to jannah! That's why I'm crying. My door to jannah has been shut. I don't know - was I a good enough son?! I don't know - did I do what I needed to do?! There's no other way for me except through her.
And he quoted, or he paraphrased an authentic hadith of the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam when he said that the parent is the LARGEST door to paradise; the parents is the middle door to paradise, the parent is the MAIN door to paradise. It's an authentic hadith.
So the sahaba understood this. The death of a parent was not just a personal loss. It was a religious and spiritual loss as well: I don't know whether I made it in or not�
A man came to Ibn Abbas, and he said: I have done this and I have done that, I have done this and I have done that. He listed a whole long list of sins, and he had just repented and come back to Islam. He said, "What can I do now?" Ibn Abbaas said, "Are one of your parents alive?" He said, "Yes, my mother is alive." Ibn Abbaas said: "Go stick to her - go at her feet" - go serve her - go give everything you have to her - "because I know of no other deed that forgives the amounts of sins that serving your parents does." No deed can take that place of cleansing an entire life of evil, cleansing an entire lifetime of disease, than being good to your parents. Go to her, and give your entire body and soul to her - bring to her that happiness and joy, and that's your only hope that I can see for you.
And he's basing this as well on many hadith of the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam.
A man came to the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam, and he said, "Ya rasool Allah" - this hadith is in Bukhari - "Ya rasool lillah, I have come from Yemen" - the furthest corners of Arabia, nothing further than Yemen - "I have come from Yemen, in order to be with you!" He has now become a sahabi - he has elevated his rank in history by visiting the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam! "�in order to be with you, and do jihad behind you. And in order to do so, I had to leave my parents crying at my loss and departure."
By such utterances this guy is trying to boast, he's trying to brag, he's trying to show his status: "I want to do this, and I even left my parents crying, in order to come here".
The Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam asked him: "Do you want jannah?" Meaning: is that your goal? You want the pleasure of Allah? He said: "Yes." The Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam said: "In that case, go back to them now, GO BACK TO THEM and make them laugh, just like you left them cry."
Meaning: you want jannah and you have done this? You want jannah and your own parents are not happy with you? You will not be able to earn jannah in any other way! Brothers and sisters, this man left everything to come to the Prophet of Allah salla Allahu alayhi wasallam, he left everything to do jihad behind the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam, and the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam is saying, you want jannah? Go back to your parents, and be with them! Make them laugh like you have made them cry!
Do you understand the rights of the parents? Do you understand the Prophet of Allah is saying: do you really want jannah and you're coming to me? You're coming to me to do jihad with me, and your own parents need you? He told that man to go back to his parents, and make them laugh like he had made them cry.
Dear Brother and Sisters, the status of parents is something that transcends even religion. Generally speaking; generally speaking, if a man or a woman is abusive to Islam, cursing Allah and His Messenger, we leave him alone - we don't associate with him. There's only one exception, and that exception is the parent. Yes, that exception is the parent.
Allah SWT says: Even if your parents try to force you to idolatry,
وَإِن جَاهَدَاكَ عَلى أَن تُش�'رِكَ بِي مَا لَي�'سَ لَكَ بِهِ عِل�'مٌ
They're forcing you - they're physically trying to shove you down in front of an idol - emotional blackmail, spiritual blackmail, whatever they're doing - they're doing jihad against you, to do shirk� Allah says:
فَلَا تُطِع�'هُمَا
"Don't listen to them." Because you can't contravene the first principal which is la illah illa Allah, BUT:
وَصَاحِب�'هُمَا فِي الد�`ُن�'يَا مَع�'رُوفًا
- "In this world" - leave their affair to Allah, "in this world, you must be good to them"(31:15) -
"Ma'roof": be kind and just to them.
EVEN parents who are idol worshippers, who are mushriks, trying to force you to leave Islam, you still don't have the right to be rude to them. If you can't be rude to someone like that, then brothers and sisters, let us look at our own lives. How can we be rude to our mothers and fathers when they show us love?
Dear Brothers and Sisters - especially the younger amongst us - Oh brothers, listen to me, and listen well:
The love that your mother and father have for you is a love you will never understand until you are at that age and you become a parent. And the feeling that you have of being stifled with rules and regulations - that feeling is a feeling that you will miss - you will miss when you leave your parents' nest. And you will be even stricter with your children when you take the mantle of parenthood
Don't fool yourselves. You don't understand the meaning of your parents' love for you. Every rule and regulation they put upon you is because of their love for you - they want what is best for you. Every single rule and regulation that they have upon you - every requirement, every desire - it is a desire for you, and not against you. You won't realize it now. These are only going to be words to you. But when you have your own child, and you have raised that child in front of your eyes, and the child becomes a young man or a young woman, you will be even stricter upon that child than your parents were with you. Why? Because the world is now a Global Village, a multicultural society. You know what it means to be in this world now. The challenges are many � cross cultural influences, on the platform of the converging media �Broadcasting, Cable TV, Internet and Telecommunication. The likes of IPTV and Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB). Not to talk about the Social Networks � facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn etc My daughters wonder why at my age I am on facebook. Besides the need to be on it so that I appreciate concepts like network externality, strong ties and weak ties that I am thought in my Network Economics course, I have a parental responsibility to protect my children from the side effects of these media. So in a nutshell you know the ins and outs. Therefore, you're going to be even more protective than your parents were.
Realize this, and pay heed to it. And understand that they only do this out of love for you.
And understand another part, which is even more profound. And many of you will not fully comprehend it until the age comes. And that is: no matter what you think of your parents, in terms of their knowledge of this world, in terms of their knowledge of civilization - no matter how you look down on them because of whatever they have or haven't done - they have one thing that you don't have. And that is experience - wisdom � that comes with age. Experience and wisdom is not taught in a book. You don't learn it by studying. It comes by living through life.
And you as a 17-20 year old kid - you don't know what experience is, you don't know what wisdom is. Your mother and father have gone through life, they know what it means to live. Even if they speak with a different accent, even if they do things that to you think are archaic, they are more knowledgeable than you of the mechanisms of human life. They understand emotions better than you do. They know what it means to live amongst humans, because they have done it, and you haven't -
And a time will come - believe you me - a time will come when you will regret that you failed to take more of their advice. And you will wish they were around you.
Right now, for many of you who are young, you trivialize their advice. You think, my parents don't know anything. As a 20 year old, you know everything, and they, at 50, 60, they know nothing. A time will come when you would wish that your parents were still alive, so you can call them up and get their advice. A time will come when you will realize: my parents did indeed know this best.
And this is something that, you should pray to Allah that that time comes when you are still alive. Because it is possible - it is the sunnah of Allah that children grow up, and their parents die before them - this is the sunnah of Allah, the general rule.
We should strive our best to make sure, that when our parents die, whenever that happens - and we ask Allah to give all of us a long life, we should try and strive, that when they leave this world, they leave this world pleased with us, content with us, happy with us, knowing that we have done everything we can for them.
Because it is possible a parent will die� and you haven't done your job - you haven't done justice. And when that happens, you can never turn the clock back. You can never bring them back. And you will live the rest of your life in regret and remorse, now that this door of jannah has been shut, and you don't know whether you have entered it or not.
بارك الله لي و لكم في القرآن العظيم، و نفعني و إياكم بما فيه من الآيات و الذكر الحكيم. أقول ما تسمعون، و أستغفر الله العظيم لي و لكم و لسائر المسلمين من كل ذنب، فاستغفروه، إنه هو الغفور الرحيم�
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